Monday, November 28, 2011

Using Unity to Resolve Instances based on condition

Unity is a lightweight, extensible dependency injection container with support for nested containers that stores registrations and mappings between types and can instantiate the appropriate concrete types on demand. Identification of the registrations in unity can be done using a type and a name (optional).
You can use unity to register multiple implementations of the same type and later resolve the actual instance by passing the name for identifying the actual implementation. In this post we'll see how to resolve the instances registered in unity application block conditionally.
For e.g. I have created a sample interface and implementations as given below
public interface IMyObject
    string DoSomething();

public class MyObjectFirstImplementation : IMyObject
    public string DoSomething()
        return "First";

public class MyObjectSecondImplementation : IMyObject
    public string DoSomething()
        return "Second";

The registration of these components are done like
    .RegisterType<IMyObject, MyObjectFirstImplementation>(DependencyRegistrationKeys.FirstImplementation)
    .RegisterType<IMyObject, MyObjectSecondImplementation>(DependencyRegistrationKeys.SecondImplementation);

public static class DependencyRegistrationKeys
    public const string FirstImplementation = "FIRST_IMPLEMENTATION";
    public const string SecondImplementation = "SECOND_IMPLEMENTATION";

The factory class has a create method that accepts and object key to resolve the actual instances
public class MyObjectFactory
    public IMyObject Create(string objectKey)
        return Container.Instance.Resolve<IMyObject>(objectKey);

public void CreateMethodShouldReturnTheObjectImplementationBasedOnConditionPassed()
    var factory = new MyObjectFactory();
    var myObject = factory.Create(DependencyRegistrationKeys.FirstImplementation);

    Assert.IsInstanceOfType(myObject, typeof(MyObjectFirstImplementation));

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