Thursday, August 19, 2010

Using Lazy class for Singleton object creation

Lazy class in .NET 4.0 provides support for lazy initialization of objects. This can be used as a helper class for handling multi-threaded access to shared resources that are expensive to create. To keep from creating these shared resources multiple times I use to have a Singleton class implementation with checks or locks for thread synchronization.

The singleton implementation looked like:

public class Singleton where T : new()


public static T Instance




if (___instance == null)


lock (___syncLock)


___instance = Activator.CreateInstance();


return ___instance;



static object ___syncLock = new object();

static T ___instance;


public void Singleton_object_creation_test_should_return_a_single_instance_only()


Guid employeeGuid = Guid.NewGuid();

Employee singletonEmployee1 = Singleton.Instance;

singletonEmployee1.Name = "Prajeesh Prathap";

singletonEmployee1.Id = employeeGuid;

Employee singletonEmployee2 = Singleton.Instance;

Assert.IsNotNull(singletonEmployee1, "Singleton implementation returned a null instance!!!");

Assert.IsNotNull(singletonEmployee2, "Singleton implementation returned a null instance!!!");

Assert.IsTrue(singletonEmployee1.Id == singletonEmployee2.Id);


By using the Lazy class, the above code can be replaced as

public void Lazy_keyword_usage_will_create_object_on_demand_and_return_a_threadsafe_instance_that_can_be_shared()


Guid employeeGuid = Guid.NewGuid();

Lazy lazyInitializer = new Lazy(() => new Employee { Id = employeeGuid, Name = "Prajeesh" });

Assert.IsFalse(lazyInitializer.IsValueCreated, "Object instance found!!!, lazy initialization failed");

Employee lazyEmployee1 = lazyInitializer.Value;

Assert.IsTrue(lazyInitializer.IsValueCreated, "Failed to initialize instance!!!");
Employee lazyEmployee2 = lazyInitializer.Value;

Assert.IsTrue(lazyEmployee1.Id == lazyEmployee2.Id);


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