Thursday, July 16, 2009

BDD Specifications with Arrange Act Assert and Rhino Mocks 3.5

Programmers who have incorporated unit testing into their development process already know its advantages: cleaner code, courage to refactor, and higher speed. Writing tests is easy; it is writing good tests that makes automated unit testing a powerful tool. This article provides some basic information on using Rhino Mocks 3.5 to write unit test cases in the Arrange Act Assert pattern.

· Arrange - set up the unit under test

· Act - exercise the unit under test, capturing any resulting state

  • Assert - verify the behavior through assertions

I have two main base classes in this sample that handles the functionality of Mocking and AAA.

The base repository class contains the mock creating methods

public class BaseRepository


public MockRepository MockRepository = new MockRepository();

public TMock Mock() where TMock : class


return MockRepository.StrictMock();


public TStub Stub() where TStub : class


return MockRepository.Stub();


protected IDisposable PlayBack


get { return MockRepository.Playback(); }


protected IDisposable Record


get { return MockRepository.Record(); }


protected IDisposable PlayBackOnly




using (Record) { }

return PlayBack;




The ArrangeActAssertTearDown class contains methods that implement the AAA pattern.

public abstract class ArrangeAssertActTearDown : BaseRepository where T : class, new()


public T SystemUnderTest { get; private set; }


public void Initialize()



SystemUnderTest = CreateSUT();




public virtual void BasicTearDown()




public abstract void Arrange();

public virtual T CreateSUT()


return new T();


public abstract void Act();

public abstract void TearDown();


Implementing the pattern and writing test cases is as simple as


public class When_Getting_All_Products_From_Store : ArrangeAssertActTearDown<ProductService>


private IProductRepository ___ProductRepository;

private IStoreRepository ___StoreRepository;

private Store ___Store;

private IEnumerable<Product> ___Products;

private long __StoreIntId = 3;

public override void Arrange()


___ProductRepository = Mock<IProductRepository>();

___StoreRepository = Mock<IStoreRepository>();


public override ProductService CreateSUT()


return new ProductService(___ProductRepository, ___StoreRepository);


public override void Act()


___Store = new Store();

___Products = new List<Product>();

using (Record)












public void Should_Throw_Argument_Exception_If_StoreId_Is_Greater_Than_100()




var __Target = new ProductService();

var __Result = __Target.GetAllProductsForStore(110);



public void Should_Return_A_List_Of_Records()


using (PlayBack)


var __Result = SystemUnderTest.GetAllProductsForStore(__StoreIntId);

Assert.AreEqual<IEnumerable<Product>>(__Result, ___Products);



public override void TearDown()


___ProductRepository = null;

___StoreRepository = null;



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