Sunday, August 16, 2015

Software package management using PowerShell OneGet, DSC, Chef and Chocolatey

Converting your software shared repositories to a managed approach with the use of a package management system that automates the process of installing, upgrading, configuration and removal of software packages in a consistent manner is a challenging task for IT.

The idea is to distribute software installation packages that contains additional metadata like, name, version, purpose, vendor, checksum etc. that will be used in an effective manner to manage dependencies and other details that are needed for the software to run properly. Having a package management system like this, will make easier to find, install, and remove software packages in a consistent manner.

In a windows infrastructure, you can make use of the tools like chocolatey, PowerShell package management and chef to automate and create an effective package management infrastructure that converts your infrastructure as code and thus maintaining an efficient process of software installations in your company.

Without much effort you can easily setup a chocolatey repository for your packages in Azure, and then later configure this as a source in PowerShell OneGet to install packages from this source. Later you can combine this with DSC or Chef to automatically install the packages and maintain the servers in a desired state based on the configuration.

A detailed tutorial on this series can be found at the posts from the links given below:

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